Información Básica
Créditos: 3
Horas de trabajo acompañado: 5 / semana (3 horas clase, 2 horas taller)
Horas de trabajo independiente: 4 / semana
Pre-requisitos: Arquitectura de Computador.
Tipo de curso: Núcleo de Formación Fundamental.
Descripción del Curso
Al finalizar el curso los participantes podrán: – Conocer – Comparar – Definir
Se desarrollan competencias en
– Virtual memory (page table, TLB) – Multimedia support – RAID architectures – Role and purpose of the operating system – Functionality of a typical operating system – Mechanisms to support client-server models, hand-held devices – Design issues (efficiency, robustness, flexibility, portability, security, compatibility) – Influences of security, networking, multimedia, windowing systems – Structuring methods (monolithic, layered, modular, micro-kernel models) – Abstractions, processes, and resources – Concepts of application program interfaces (APIs) – The evolution of hardware/software techniques and application needs – Device organization – Concept of user/system state and protection, transition to kernel mode – States and state diagrams (cross-reference SF/State and State Machines) – Structures (ready list, process control blocks, and so forth) – Dispatching and context switching – The role of interrupts – Managing atomic access to OS objects – Implementing synchronization primitives – Multiprocessor issues (spin-locks, reentrancy) (cross-reference SF/Parallelism) – Preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling (cross-reference SF/Resource Allocation and Scheduling,PD/Parallel Performance) – Schedulers and policies (cross-reference SF/Resource Allocation and Scheduling, PD/Parallel Performance) – Processes and threads (cross-reference SF/Computational paradigms) – Deadlines and real-time issues – Review of physical memory and memory management hardware – Working sets and thrashing – Overview of system security – Policy/mechanism separation – Security methods and devices – Protection, access control, and authentication – Backups – Characteristics of serial and parallel devices – Abstracting device differences – Buffering strategies – Direct memory access – Recovery from failures – Files: data, metadata, operations, organization, buffering, sequential, nonsequential – Directories: contents and structure – File systems: partitioning, mount/unmount, virtual file systems – Standard implementation techniques – Memory-mapped files – Special-purpose file systems – Naming, searching, access, backups – Journaling and log-structured file systems – Multiple simultaneous computations – – Programming constructs for coordinating multiple simultaneous computations – – Need for synchronization – – Data races (simultaneous read/write or write/write of shared state) – – Higher-level races (interleavings violating program intention, undesired non-determinism) – – Lack of liveness/progress (deadlock, starvation) – – Specifying and testing atomicity and safety requirements – – Granularity of atomic accesses and updates, and the use of constructs such as critical sections or transactions to describe them – * Potential for liveness failures and deadlock (causes, conditions, prevention) – Shared vs. distributed memory – Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) – SIMD, vector processin – – Atomic instructions such as Compare and Set – – Multiprocessor caches and cache coherence – – Non-uniform memory access (NUMA) – – Resource sharing (e.g., buses and interconnects) – Distinction between Application and OS services, Remote Procedure Call – Application-Virtual Machine Interaction – Reliability – Kinds of resources (e.g., processor share, memory, disk, net bandwidth) – Kinds of scheduling (e.g., first-come, priority) – Advantages of fair scheduling, preemptive scheduling – Rationale for protection and predictable performance – Levels of indirection, illustrated by virtual memory for managing physical memory resources – Methods for implementing virtual memory and virtual machines – Distinction between bugs and faults – Redundancy through check and retry – Duplication/mirroring/replicas – Other approaches to fault tolerance and availability
Capítulo 1: Nombre Capítulo 1
Sesión | Horas teóricas | Prácticas acompañadas | Temas | Profundidad | Bibliografía |
1 | 3 | 2 | Tema 1 | Uso | [1 caps 1, 3, 4, 8] |
2 | 3 | 2 | Tema 1 | Uso | [1 caps 1, 3, 4, 8] |
Total de Horas: Valor.
Capítulo 2: Nombre Capítulo 2
Sesión | Horas teóricas | Prácticas acompañadas | Temas | Profundidad | Bibliografía |
1 | 3 | 2 | Tema 1 | Uso | [1 caps 1, 3, 4, 8] |
2 | 3 | 2 | Tema 1 | Uso | [1 caps 1, 3, 4, 8] |
Total de Horas: Valor.
Uso de material en exámenes
Libro 1
Artículo 1
Salón de clase con computador y proyector. Laboratorio de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computación.